The Purchasing Division of Financial and Corporate Services at the City of Welland has the responsibility to act as a professional resource in the procurement process for client departments, and to select vendors who can provide the City with best value.

The City of Welland is committed to securing those required products and services offering the best overall value to the Corporation. To achieve this objective, while simultaneously providing all vendors with a time / cost saving mechanism to view and bid on our opportunities, we will be partnering with Biddingo.com. The City is confident that through this partnership both City and all registered vendors will recognize and realize mutually beneficial benefits.

For more information about their service, please visit their website at www.biddingo.com or contact them via:

Telephone:   (416) 756-0955
Fax:              (416) 756-9294
Email:           info@biddingo.com

For more information about Bid Opportunities with the City of Welland please visit our website at www.welland.ca or contact us at:

Telephone:   (905) 735-1700 ext 2180
Fax:              (905) 735-8772
Email:           bart.menage@welland.ca

Effective June 1st, 2010, all City of Welland's formal competitive bid opportunities, issued by the Purchasing Service Division will be posted on Biddingo.com and organized by commodity. This service will provide businesses with a "one stop shop" for bid opportunities available from the City of Welland, as well as other organizations using www.biddingo.com/welland. This service could open new markets for the goods or services you offer.

There are a number of services available free of charge. They are:

Vendor List Registration: Vendors can complete an online application to add themselves to the City of Welland’s Vendor List by clicking on the Biddingo link provided on the City’s website. The City’s Purchasing Services Division will no longer maintain it's own Vendor List. All vendors previously registered with the Welland Purchasing Services Division are encourged to complete our new Vendor application at www.biddingo.com/welland.

Opportunity Alerts: Vendors can register with Biddingo to receive e-mail alerts by clicking on the Biddingo link provided on the City’s website for City of Welland opportunities.

Service Options:

To ensure all have access to our documents we will continue to offer documents in hardcopy. Vendors may obtain a hardcopy of the document by completing a request to have it couriered (link found on our website) or by coming into the Welland Civic Square, 60 East Main Street, Welland, ON. Vendors must make all necessary arrangements with the courier to pick up the package.

Note: In order to download original bid documents, receive notification of addenda by e-mail, view document takers, bid results, etc., you must be registered on Biddingo.com.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Bart Ménage C.P.P., C.P.M.
Purchasing Agent
Financial & Corporate Services

Corporation of the City of Welland
60 East Main Street, Welland ON L3B 3X4
Tel: (905) 735-1700 ext. 2180
Fax: (905) 735-8772
Mobile: (905) 788-7774

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